Routing Number | 255077370

Financial Wellness

Get a $100 Bonus—Refer Your Friends and Colleagues

New! Earn added cash for the New Year. You'll receive $100 for you and another $100 for them when you refer a friend or colleague to Tower. Each time you refer a new member, and they meet the offer qualifications, they get a $100 gift card, as do you!

Earning is easy

  1. Register Use the registration form on this page to provide your information (secure site) and complete a referral to our ReferLive program.
  2. Invite Your Friends, Colleagues or Family Provide contact information AND a valid email address for those you would like to refer or share the offer via social media. Your referral will receive an email notification containing registration instructions and offer requirements.
  3. Get Rewarded Once your referral registers for the offer using your personal referral link and completes the offer listed below, you will each receive a $100 Reward Card. The more you refer, the more you can earn—up to $500 per calendar year.

Here's how ReferLive works
You and your referral will each receive a $100 Tower Mastercard® Reward Card when they register and complete the following steps within 60 days of becoming a new Tower member:

  • Open a new Tower checking account, AND
  • Complete one (1) or more qualifying recurring direct deposit* of at least $1,000 into the new checking account

Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your Reward Card after completing all offer requirements.


The minimum deposit required to open a Prime Share is $5 and $10 to open a Checking Account. For current Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for Prime Share and Checking accounts, visit, which are subject to change.